Bo­gomir Doringer – Dancing De­fence: Space, Ritual, Ges­ture

An in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search pro­ject that is using artistic methods in studying the so­cial phe­nom­enon of club­bing.

Bogomir Doringer – Dancing De­fence: Space, Ritual, Ges­ture, Photo: LNDWstudio

Doringer started in 2014 with filming clubs from a bird’s-eye view to doc­u­ment vari­a­tions of col­lec­tive and in­di­vidual chore­o­gra­phies world­wide. The col­lected footage ini­ti­ated an on­going in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search pro­ject that is using artistic methods in studying the so­cial phe­nom­enon of club­bing. From this re­search, the term Dance of Ur­gency was born: a dance that arises from the emo­tions that occur in times of per­sonal and col­lec­tive crisis.

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